The Science Behind a Good Night’s Sleep and a Focused Mind

Everyone knows that there is no substitute for a good night’s sleep. Getting that solid, eight hours of recommended, high-quality sleep versus restlessly checking your smartphone to determine how many more hours you have before your alarm goes off? It’s the difference between day and night.

There’s no getting around it, sleep deprivation’s effects on the brain are damaging. The psychological effects of sleep deprivation are important to be aware of so that you can do everything in your power to prioritize good, healthy sleep. Read on to find out more about the importance of sleep and what you risk when you’re not getting it.

Are You High Risk?

Unlike many less explored areas, there’s enough research available on sleep to back up its critical status for the human body and brain. According to Harvard Health, if you already are someone who struggles with a mental disorder, you’re unfortunately more likely to suffer from sleep-related issues. Be extra wary of prioritizing a good night’s sleep if you have a mental illness, as sleep deprivation could exacerbate your condition. On the other hand, getting the sleep you require in many cases will help to minimize symptoms of your mental illness.

According to the aforementioned article published by Harvard Health, when humans enter REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the state during which you have dreams and your body temperature, blood pressure, and breathing all match rates that people have when they are awake, a huge contribution to emotional health is made in the form of enhanced learning and memory. If you aren’t receiving adequate sleep, you’re risking your ability to function properly the following day, and who wants that?

Sleep deprivation’s effects on the brain are not minimal. There are over 70 types of sleeping disorders in existence and North Americans are particularly notorious for being sleep deprived. The two most common sleeping disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea, both disabling the body and brain from getting properly restored and recharged.

Sleep and Focus

Sleep plays a huge role in one’s ability to focus. There’s no getting around the fact that sleep deprivation results in a more difficult time paying attention and completing daily tasks. If you’re trying to operate at full mental capacity but you’re running on fumes, you’re going to have an issue. While focus and mind-boosting supplements can help, they can only go so far and simply cannot beat the focus that a good night’s sleep can give you.

Sleep Hygiene

There is much thinking that insomnia is a learned behavior. On the bright side, this means that getting a great night’s sleep is also something we can teach our bodies to do. It takes commitment and a bit of training, but sleep hygiene is absolutely something worth working towards.

person sitting in bed reading a book

Similar to oral hygiene, like brushing your teeth three times a day and flossing at least once, sleep hygiene requires you to make daily sacrifices that will benefit you in the long run. One important part of sleep hygiene is to put away screens an hour or so before you’re trying to fall asleep. We’re heavily addicted to our phones these days and it’s no wonder we can’t fall asleep! We’re all scrolling through Instagram instead of reading a book or doing some meditation. Change your bedtime habits and start with not having your phone around or the television on when you’re trying to fall asleep.

More Ways To Improve Your Sleep:

Sleep deprivation and its negative effects on the brain are totally avoidable. Getting into good sleep habits is something that will pay off tenfold, even if it’s difficult to get into the swing of things at first. Going to sleep at the same time every night is a good way to establish good sleeping habits because your body will start getting used to this routine and it will be easier to fall asleep. A set bedtime schedule is a good way to teach your body to say goodbye to insomnia.

Mental Mojo offers a sleep aid supplement that’s totally natural: meet our Mellow Mojo, which is to be taken before bed. Mellow Mojo can be enjoyed either hot or cold, and it creates a soothing entry into a deep sleep that’s safe and effective. Mellow Mojo is a doctor-designed, non-habit-forming sleep aid that works wonders in people struggling with sleep disorders or who just generally could benefit from a refresh. Learn more about the benefits of Mellow Mojo and get a better understanding of if this supplement is right for you.

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